Tel: 800-343-8671


Rulers are the work horse of the piecing world. Quilter's Ruler offers a variety of rulers; from our signature line of "Fabric Gripping" rulers to our Speciality Rulers, to rulers manufactured by others, to the latest consumer-requested Basic Blocks & Simple Strips. Come delve the depths of our rulers. All the products in this category are measuring devices.


The "Fabric Gripping Rulers" were designed by Betty Gall starting in 1983. They are our oldest and still our most successful rulers. Use these rulers for strip cutting and squaring up. They have 1" 1/2", 1/4", and 1/8" markings along with angle markings . They have our exclusive molded in "Fabric Gripping Action" which many have attempted to copy but no one has quite accomplished. Now 10 of our inch rulers have "Fabric-Gripping Action."
